HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mother’s out there! Fred and I are beyond blessed to still have our parents, and we know that. Many of my friends do not and that’s tough… especially on a day like Mother’s Day, where we celebrate the moms in the world!
Happy Mothers Day to those of you who are mothers. This is your day… enjoy it, I’m sure you’ve earned it!
Happy Mothers Day to those of you who are not mothers, and aren’t going to be… whether by the ways of the universe or by your own plans and beliefs – be there for other children that come into your life. Help them be good kids – this world needs good kids and sometimes it takes a village. … and if your kids happen to have four legs, give them an extra special hug!
Happy Mothers Day to those of you who have lost your mother. Truly, holidays like this can be miserable. If you are in that place, try to remember the good times, do something today to make your remember your mom even more, whether it be cooking a favorite recipe of hers or spending time doing something she loved. I bet you will feel closer to her when you do… Remember, she’s never truly gone – she’ll be by your side forever… Hugs to you – this sucks and is not easy, my thoughts and prayers are with you today.
Happy Mother’s Day to both of our Moms – Love you to the moon and back! xo
Catch you back here tomorrow!