Fred and Charlie – April, 2010 – Folly Beach, SC
There are all kinds of fathers in the world. I want to say thank you Fred for being the best dad to Charlie, the four-legged kid, who he is carrying down the steps (above) on Charlie’s first view of the ocean (April, 2010). He loves Folly Beach, ha ha… Fred, you’re the best! ❤️
Me and Dad – December, 2006 – My “better than botox” shot, hee hee
Dad, thank you for being such a wonderful influence in my life. Your curiosity and ability to learn absolutely anything has made me equally inquisitive. Your calm demeanor and sense of humor is always refreshing. I have been so blessed to have such cool parents.
PS – I heard his daughter (me!) created a website ( to showcase his newest art creations! WOW, is it fantastic! Check it out!
Fred’s Dad… Carlisle, AKA “DC”
Another great dad… Fred’s dad, Carlisle. Seen above camping and having a great time! Fred and I both know how lucky we are to have grown up with such wonderful parents! ❤️
Beyond blessed, wishing those of you who are a father, a wonderful Father’s Day.
To those of you who want to be, or are about to be a father – lead by example. Teach your kids to do the right thing, to be kind, and to care.
And finally, to those of you who have lost your father (or your child). My thoughts and prayers are with you on this day. It cannot be easy… know that he is always by your side offering assistance whenever you need it.
J u s t l i s t e n .