The live oak trees in this area are stunning – we were taking our dog for a walk the other day and as I walked by and looked up and saw these beautiful blooms. I’m not sure what they are, but with the light hitting, whoa! Gorgeous!
In the midst of so much struggle in not only this country, but basically EVERY country it’s good to keep your eye out for the little things that make you smile. Be mindful of anything (and everything) you have to be grateful for – I’m thinking that will help you get through what we’re all going through. Some of you have it tougher than others. I won’t say “don’t worry” because many of you have lost jobs, or businesses and have bills to pay – but don’t let it overcome you. It may help to remember how many people are in the same boat. Those of us who can need to support each other and the various charities, etc. We need our local businesses, our restaurants, coffee shops, small shops of any kind. And this is not easy on them.
Take a walk (at a big distance from every other person), look around, capture the beauty in your mind to reflect back on. Get a little sun if you can and if it’s safe. That usually makes most people feel better! We will all get through this #together #whilestayingapart
THE NEW REALITY: My thoughts as we navigate through this Covid-19 stage of life… click the link to read my thoughts, updated daily…
Until next time…