This post is a meal that we whipped up that was fabulous. I realize in this day and time with the Coronavirus Emergency not all ingredients are available. Save this to make once things get back to normal, I pray soon…
I know we are all adjusting our priorities a bit, this pandemic is nothing like anything we have lived through before (not to mention the drastic fall of the stock market, loss of jobs for so many, businesses faced with impossible decision, etc.) – Please, if you are one of the oh so many affected by this mess, do not go to a dark place. Hang in there. There is so much awful news right now, but there are so many wonderful people that are out doing their best to make a difference. #jointhem On to the dinner inspiration…
In the off chance that you have chicken, fresh asparagus and oh goodness, fresh pasta (maybe you can whip it up!?) Fresh pasta is so much tastier than dry. We are fortunate to (usually) buy fresh pasta from Whole Foods in a variety of flavors, then you pick how you want it cut (angel hair, spaghetti, fettuccine, linguine, etc.) the pasta I used in this instance was black pepper pasta. Fred grilled a chicken breast (olive oil, salt and pepper). I sautéed some fresh asparagus in a skillet with a little olive oil. Stir every now and then until the asparagus is crips tender (but not like boiled asparagus) – you can even sprinkle a little parmesan cheese on top, oh la la!
Simple and delicious!
To cook the fresh pasta, I bring salted water to a boil, then toss the fresh pasta into the water and give it a stir. Fresh pasta cooks incredibly quickly. I’ve read that it floats to the top when done, but I haven’t paid attention… Test it after 2 minutes. It’s been done for me every time by then. Might test after 1 minute if angel hair?
I scoop the pasta out of the boiling water into the pan where I cooked the asparagus. Add a big spoon of pasta water and a bit of parmesan (personal preference), stir it good and add pepper.
Once you add the pasta, asparagus and grilled chicken to your plate sprinkle with a little parmesan – the pasta water that you added will make it cling to the noodles.
Lovely dinner! At the moment I cannot find chicken and I’m not going hunting for it, and am going to wait to buy fresh pasta again. So this meal will be coming soon. Trying to think positive here. The unknown is just so… UN-freaking-known (sorry about that)…
I’m not good with that, but what choice do we have? Get out in the yard visit your neighbors from afar. Take a walk with your dog and visit with people from a distance. It helps, it really does! I’ve heard of people having a virtual cocktail party, where they use FaceTime or another means to see each other, but stay home. I heard it was a smashing success. We’re all in this together… #stayhome #flattenthecurve #stopthespread #pray #cheers
Until next time…
THE NEW REALITY: My thoughts as we navigate through this Covid-19 stage of life… click the link to read my thoughts, updated daily…