First of all, if you celebrate Easter – Happy Easter! Today is going to be a different Easter than most of us have ever even anticipated experiencing. Most of us are spending this Easter apart from family and friends (if we’re smart) to flatten the curve to allow this virus that’s going around the world to pass through without overwhelming our medical community any more than it already has. For families, this means not going to visit grandma and grandpa. No big family gatherings. No gatherings of friends, no playdates, etc. But what it DOES mean, is that you have valuable family time TOGETHER. While some of you may be tired of the closeness, today is a good day to CELEBRATE it! #itsnotforever If you are a computer/phone user, remember, you can always visit via the other available ways… ZOOM, FaceTime, etc.
If it’s a day that you can get outside perhaps come up with a few games to play in the backyard if it’s nice outside, otherwise some creative indoor games, art projects, cooking, baking – anything to include everyone. We will be right here… an early walk perhaps, and possibly a bike ride if the weather is nice.
One of my favorite hymns on Easter is Christ Is Risen (but I’m not finding a link that sounds like the rendition that we’re used to) another is Jesus Christ Is Risen Today, they both give me goosebumps every time! Easter is a joyful day. Here is a link to a streamed church service at St. Matthews (Lutheran) Church in Charleston, SC in case you don’t have a link to watch a service today and you would like to (live at 9:45, click the link above (light purple, then select the Easter Day service, it won’t appear until 9:45AM EST)…
Bonus, another fabulous video, Christ Is Risen by Mack Brock – a beautiful rendition!
Prayers as we get through this trying time…. #grateful #ohsograteful
Until next time…
THE NEW REALITY: My thoughts as we navigate through this Covid-19 stage of life… click the link to read my thoughts, updated daily…